Farmers FAQs

First thing first, welcome! Signing up for SunDo is easy and simple. All you need to do is download the app and register as a Farmer. After you finish the online registration form, a SunDo representative will contact you up to a week after to verify the details. And meanwhile, it is time to work on your personal profile!

To register by phone click here.

Using SunDo entails an annual subscription fee that can be divided into up to 12 monthly payments.

SunDo subscribers can invite unlimited volunteers.

The SunDo volunteers are private individuals from all over the country and from a variety of backgrounds. The minimum registration age for the app is 15, younger volunteers may arrive accompanied by a registered adult by prior arrangement.

Generally, the volunteers have no prior experience in farm work. However, you can learn about the volunteers from their personal profile and from the list of their previous activities.

The app has no limit for the amount of activities that can be opened, and we encourage every farmer to use it as much as possible. However, in order not to damage the system’s credibility and the volunteers’ user experience, farmers are expected not to open idle activities or activities that are likely to be canceled.

SunDo is intended solely for direct agriculture and shepherding activities. However, it is important to remember that SunDo’s volunteers are not skilled workers. Therefore, we encourage every farmer to find the winning combination between jobs that do not require too much skill and jobs that will not be too tedious for volunteers. At SunDo we have already learned that with proper guidance and positive energies one can bridge the volunteers’ skill gap and turn every task (even weeding 😊) into a fun experience!

Generally, any arrangement that is agreed between you and the volunteers is legitimate. Obviously, under a certain minimum time in the field work is ineffective and this, of course, remains at your own discretion, depending on the size of the group and the type of work. From SunDo’s experience a “classic” workday is of 4-5 net working hours to be added with briefing and breaks. It is also important to remember that it is very difficult to start a single-day activity before 9 am because most volunteers come to the farm from a distance. In order to start working days early in the morning, we recommend opening an activity that includes lodging in the night before (if there is such option) and thus ensure the timely beginning of the activity day.

For recommended timetables for volunteer days click here.

For the volunteer, lunch breaks and rest times are an integral part of the volunteering experience, so it is important to pay attention to them. On single-day activities you can arrange with the volunteers to bring their own food. However, in terms of hospitality, SunDo recommends thinking about creative solutions so as to provide volunteers with the main meal on the day. In order to avoid any misunderstandings that may cause a negative experience, it is your responsibility to communicate to the volunteers what you can provide so they can prepare accordingly, and to ask if they have any special food limitations such as kosher, vegetarian, etc. If you are unable to provide food at all, you may want to find other things that you can offer to volunteers at a meal such as: soft drinks, hot drinks, snacks, popsicles, etc. Farmer Remember – the Volunteer Marches on His Stomach!

Activity that includes lodging in the night before is a great way to ensure the timely beginning of the day’s activities (particularly if it is scheduled early in the morning). Also, the lodging itself is an attraction for many volunteers and will make you a more attractive host. SunDo does not hold minimum requirements for living and sleeping conditions, however, in order to ensure a good experience for all parties it is very important to fairly specify the conditions available to volunteers in order to avoid misunderstandings and unpleasantness.

In the event that you are opening the activity, the activity will be circulated in the app and volunteers will be able to register to it. In this case, you cannot select among the registered volunteers. However, if you anticipate a compatibility problem with one of the volunteers, we recommend you raise the issue in person and make sure that there is no expectation mismatch. A farmer who is interested in inviting specific volunteers can do so from the volunteer applications where individuals and groups offer themselves for work on certain dates and areas.

In such a situation, you should open an activity as soon as possible and call us. We will do everything in our power to promote the activity in the app with potential volunteers.

Last-minute cancellations, late arrivals and no-shows will forever be part of the volunteering world. At the same time, SunDo is making great efforts to increase the commitment level between farmers and volunteers in order to minimize such cases. In order to reduce the chance of such a “surprise”, we recommend contacting the volunteers prior to the activity in order to convey to them the importance of arriving on time for carrying out the planned activity and identify such problems in advance. In addition, we recommend planning an alternative activity for an event where there are not enough volunteers to carry out the planned activity.

Such cases may happen from time to time and we recommend being flexible and understanding about it. Every activity day at 10 a.m. you will receive a text message with a link to the daily reporting form. In the form you can delete volunteers who did not come and did not cancel their participation in the app and if necessary, add more volunteers (for example another member who joined his friends at the last minute). Updating the form is essential and allows us to accurately track your volunteer needs, locate problematic volunteers in the system and make sure all volunteers in the field are insured. If necessary, you can return to the form during the day and update it.


It is important to remember that volunteers who come to you independently and not through a relevant activity in the app are not insured by SunDo and the responsibility on them lies solely on you.

In order to avoid such situations, during a volunteering day, you are expected to guide the volunteers in order to help them understand what is expected of them. It should be recalled that the overall activity in SunDo is based on the goodwill of all parties, and therefore our recommendation in such cases is to allow the volunteer to enjoy the benefit of the doubt that he or she has no bad intentions and concentrate on the glass half-full. In exceptional cases when you feel that it is not possible to continue the activity it is very important not to confront the volunteer and rather simply release him or her from the activity in a good spirit. Cases of inappropriate behavior can be reported in the app.

Generally, a successful experience for the volunteer will be such that he or she felt a connection to you, the farmer. SunDo farmers are expected to present themselves to volunteers, train them before work and work alongside them as much as possible. In case you want to use the app but feel that you cannot make enough time for it, we recommend that you appoint a point person from your behalf (such as a spouse, a family member who is related to the farm, a worker with good social skills, etc.) to help you with the volunteers.

Volunteers who come to work through the app are insured by SunDo for personal damages when working according to standard safety rules. Regardless, we recommend you, the farmer, to have the necessary insurance to operate the farm. Volunteers who come to you independently and are not registered to an activity through the app will not be insured by SunDo and the responsibility for them lies solely on you.

Farmers FAQs